Relevant Legislations
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The purpose of the Films and Publications Amendment Act (the Act) is to regulate the creation, production, possession and distribution of films, games, certain publications and certain online content. This is done to provide consumer advice to enable adults to make informed viewing, reading, and gaming decisions for themselves and the children in their care. We do this to protect children from exposure to disturbing and harmful material including premature
exposure to adult experiences.
Paramount to the mandate of the Film and Publication Board is the protection of children. Protecting children under the Act is a proportional balancing of the rights afforded in the South African Constitution against the right of the child. Children have the right to be protected from
physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or moral harm and to be protected from maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation.
- Notification of Extension of Submission Date
- Amendment Regulations, 2020
- Films and Publications Amendment Regulations, 2020
- Films and Publications Act, 1996 (Act No. 65 of 1996)
- Gazette – Commencement of Films and Publications Amendment Act 2019
- Films and Publications Amendment Act 2019
- Socio-Economic Impact Assessment: Films and Publications Bill, 2015
- FPB Tariff Review Research Documents 2017
- FPB Draft Tariffs 2017
- PAIA Manual 2017
- Films and Publications Amendment Bill 10 0ctober 2016
- FPB Amendment Bill: Critical Inputs From Parliamentary Public Hearings
- Presentation on the final policy 18 05 2016
- FPB Online Regulation Policy – Presentation
- FPB Online Content Regulation Policy-2016
- FPB Amendment Act 3 of 2009
- Regulations – FPB Amendment Act 3 of 2009
- FPB Amendment Act 18 of 2004
- Films and Publications Act, no 65
- Films and publications regulations, 2014 (Act no.65 of 1996)
- Labelling Strategy 2018
- Signed Trademark Policy Nov 2017
- Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
- Act No. 19 of 2020: Cybercrimes Act, 2020